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Silverdale Pee Wee Adult Association

Silverdale Pee Wee Adult Association


Silverdale Baseball League Rules 2020

Revision: 02/26/2020


















12 – 9/10 U RULES

13 – 11/12 U RULES

14 – 13/14 U RULES
















Rules and Regulations

This is not a complete set of rules governing baseball play. Play is governed by Official Baseball Rules and

Silverdale Baseball League Rules. The league rules supersede the Official Baseball Rules.




A.  Silverdale Baseball is under the organizational and liability insurance umbrella of Silverdale Pee Wees.

B.  The Silverdale Pee Wee board is the authority over Silverdale Baseball. The Silverdale Baseball Athletic Director (Baseball Director – [email protected]) is a member of the Pee Wee board during the baseball season and gives reports necessary at the monthly Pee Wee meetings.

C.  The Baseball Director may appoint Division Directors that are responsible for organizing the teams for work parties, creating practice schedules, making sure teams are maintaining the fields and handling questions and disputes.

D.  If there is a coach or parent issue that the Baseball Director needs support on, the parent or coach will be brought before the Pee Wee Board for resolution.

E.  Silverdale Baseball does not limit participants in its league on the basis of disability.

F.  Silverdale Baseball is a non-discriminatory organization, which prohibits actions against an individual on the basis of race, sex, creed, religion or national origin.

G.  Silverdale Baseball reserves the right to refuse the registration of a player which has been in violation of the General Conduct 21-D rule below.

H.  League registration opens mid-January and closes March 1st.  Online registration will be available at Registration can occur after the official time until divisions are full or the Baseball Director closes it.

I.    Team practices start in the middle of March and games will start in the middle of April, ending in the first, second, or third week of June depending on the division and tournament wins.

J.   A season events schedule is given to the coaches before the season starts and has specific dates and times of season events such as meetings and work parties.

K.  Head coaches coach on a year-to-year basis and may not be invited back the following year due to various reasons, one being too many coaches.

L.  Head coaches, assistant coaches and all volunteers must fill out a disclosure form, allowing a Washington State Patrol background check to be processed.





A.  T-Ball: ages 5 and 6.

B.  Coach Pitch: ages 7, 8 and 9.

C.   9 /10 U: ages 9 and 10.

D.  11/12 U: ages 11 and 12.

E.  13/14 U: ages 13 and 14

F.  Players may be allowed to play in a division that is different than their age. This will be decided by the Baseball Director on a case-by-case basis. Age 9 players will be evaluated and assigned to Coach Pitch if their skill level is more suited and safer at that level.




A.  T-Ball and Coach Pitch teams shall consist of not more than 15 players.

B.  9/10 U, 11/12 U and 13/14 U teams shall consist of not more than 15 players and should not exceed more than eight players of the older age unless the division is comprised of only one age group.



A.  Players must be registered and have a birth certificate on file.

B.  Players must pay the proper fees or meet scholarship requirements prior to be allowed to play.

C.  Age, for league purposes, means “league age”, which is that age attained by a player prior to 
May 1 of the season in question.




A.  Silverdale Baseball, ages 5-14, has no boundaries.




A.  The selection of players for league teams shall be under the direction of the Baseball Director or a Division Director.

B.  T-Ball and Coach Pitch players will be placed on teams by requests of coaches, players, and parents to the best of the ability of the Division Director.

C.  9/10 U, 11/12 U and 13/14 U players will be placed on teams per the current year draft rules.



A.  Distance between bases:
T-Ball: 50 feet    Coach Pitch: 60/65 feet   9/10 U: 65 feet     11/12 U: 70 feet     13/14 U: 80 feet

B.  Pitching Distance:
Coach pitch: 38 feet          9/10 U: 46 feet     11/12 U: 50 feet       13/14 U: 54 feet

C.  Home plate to center of second base:
T-Ball: 70’ 8 1/2”      Coach Pitch and 9/10 U: 91’ 1”  11/12 U: 99’       13/14 U: 113’ 2”

D.  The fair play area shall be within the first base and third base foul lines and a fence or marked line establishing the outfield limits of the playing area.

E.  The height of the pitcher’s mound above the level of home plate and the base paths, raised by a gradual slope should be about 6  inches.





A.  Bats: wooden, metal, graphite or ceramic bats, manufactured specifically for baseball play, which are round and not more than two and three-fourths inches in diameter at the thickest part, nor more than 34 inches in length, are acceptable.

B.  Rubber soled or rubber cleated shoes are permitted.

C.  The batter, players in the on-deck batting area, base runners and players coaching in the baseline coaching boxes shall be required to wear protective headgear which gives protection to the top of the head, temples, ears and base of the skull. These items shall be NOCSAE approved.

     1.   No decal other than the player’s name, number, team name or logo shall be added to the protective headgear.                       

     2.   Any headgear in violation of this rule shall be removed from play.

D.  Catchers that receive a pitched ball are required to wear proper protective equipment including an athletic supporter (cup), a mask with throat guard, chest protector, shin guards and protective headgear which gives protection to the top of the head when catching behind the plate. Any player serving as a catcher to warm up a pitcher shall wear a mask, whether the pitcher is warming up from the mound in the bullpen or elsewhere.

E.  It is highly recommended that all players wear athletic supporters (cup).

F.  T-Ball and Coach Pitch: it is strongly recommended that the players wear the jersey and hat that is provided by the league during the games.

G.  9/10 U, 11/12 U and 13/14 U: it is required that the players wear a hat and jersey that matches the rest of the team. Shirts and hats can be borrowed from other players that are not on the field playing.

H.  No jewelry shall be worn by any player, except for medical identification.




A.  Official Rules: The official playing rules, with the exceptions and variations contained in this rules guide, shall be “Official Rules of Major League Baseball”, as released through the office of the Commissioner of Baseball.

B.  Mound Huddle: There is no limit to the number of players that can huddle on the field during the game. Umpires shall discourage such gatherings when they tend to delay the game.

C.  Batting the Roster: The entire roster of players present for the game shall bat in rotation. See 9/10 U, 11/12 U and13/14 U end-of-season tournament rules for exceptions.

D.  Head First Sliding: There shall be NO head first sliding. (Except when returning to a base during a pick-off play on a runner. During a pickle, a player must not slide head first.) Penalty – runner shall be called out.

E.  Home Run Ball: At 11/12 U and 9/10 U level, if a player hits the ball over the fence for a home run during the game, the ball is given to the player.

F.  Slide or Avoid: Runners must slide or avoid contact during a play. Penalty – runner shall be called out. If a defensive player is in the base path without the ball (unless making a play on a hit ball) and obstructs the runner, the runner is awarded the base they are going to.

G.  Runner Obstruction: If the runner makes contact with a fielder making a play on the ball, the runner is out.

H.  Field Setup: The home team is responsible for set-up.  This includes setting bases, dragging the field, and chalking  the batters box and base path. The visitors are responsible for field break down which consists of dragging the field and emptying the trash. Each team is responsible for cleaning up their dugout. The home team will use the first baseline dugout.

I.    Umpire Problems: Managers ONLY shall contact their Division Director or Baseball Director in regards to umpire problems or no shows.

J.   Ejection: Manager or Coach ejected from a game. Penalty – One game suspension unless overruled by the Baseball Director.

K.  Managers and Coaches not in compliance with all Silverdale Baseball rules as determined by the  Baseball Director may be dropped from all coaching until a written letter is submitted to explain their actions and request for reinstatement is made to the League Decisions Committee (19-A).







A.  Adhere to Rules: All coaches are to adhere to these rules and not make-up their own.

B.  Length of Games: No new inning will begin after 1 hour.

C.  Umpires: The home team provides an umpire behind the plate. The visiting team will provide an umpire in the field.

D.  Coaches and Parents: Only approved coaches are allowed on the field during games to coach the players. This will be coordinated through the Managers of each team.

E.  Players: The entire roster shall play in the field every inning. The infield is to be set-up as a normal baseball infield with one pitcher, 1st, 2nd and 3rd baseman, shortstop and catcher. The rest of the players are to be spread-out in the outfield. Coaches are to regularly rotate players into the infield. This can be done during the inning since each team bats through the entire line- up each inning.

F.  Player Outs: If a player is out by baseball rules, they will return to the dugout, but outs are not kept since all players bat each    inning.

G.  The Catcher: The catcher shall stand away from the plate until the batter swings, then field the position defensively.

H.  Batters: Batters will hit off a batting Tee only. Each player will get 5 swings, after 5 swings a coach will assist the batter in hitting the ball.

I.    Batting: Half of an inning will consist of all players batting.

J.   Bunting: Batters are not permitted to bunt at the ball on the batting tee.

K.  Batting Tee: The batting tee shall be placed on home plate. The umpire is responsible for removal prior to any play at home    plate.

L.  Batting Arc: A 10-foot arc shall be inscribed in front of home plate, from the first to the third base foul line (Ross-2 has a grass  line arc), and any batted ball which does not travel beyond that line will be considered a foul-strike for purposes of this rule.

M. Infield Fly: There is no infield fly rule. N.  Score: Score will NOT be kept.

O.  Overthrows: Only one base will be allowed on overthrows.

P.  Extra Bases: Players can take extra bases if the ball is in the outfield. Once the ball is in the infield, the runner stops at the nearest base.

Q. Infield line: Any player who fields a ball beyond the infield line must THROW the ball in to the infield.




A.  Adhere to Rules: All coaches are to adhere to these rules and not make-up their own.

B.  Batting Lineup: Entire roster of players present will be in the batting lineup.

C.  Length of Game: No new inning will begin after 1-½ hours from the official start time.

D.  Umpires: The home team provides an umpire behind the plate. The visiting team will provide an umpire in the field.

E.  Bunting: Batters are not permitted to bunt or soft swing at the ball. Penalty: Pitch is a strike and the ball is dead.

F.  Number of Pitches: A batter shall be declared out after failing to hit a ball after six pitches or three swings at the ball from a coach. The batter is out if there are three strikes before the sixth pitch. Missed swings are counted as strikes, as are foul balls and foul tips. A batter is not out on a foul ball or a foul tip.

G.  Catcher Position: The catcher may assume the catcher’s position or stand away until the batter swings, then field the position defensively.

H.  No Leading Off: Base runners shall remain in contact with the base until the ball is hit. Penalty: Runner is out and ball is in play if ball is hit

I.    Coach Hit by Pitch: If a batted ball hits the coach pitcher, the ball is in play.

J.   Defensive Positions: Ten (10) players shall be used defensively. Regular baseball positions plus one outfielder. All players are  to be rotated through three areas: 1. outfield/catcher 2. infield. 3. Bench

K.  Walks: No walks allowed unless a kid pitches.

L .  Infield Fly: There is no infield fly rule.

M. Five Run Rule: A five (5) run per inning rule for all innings is in effect.  The inning must end on an out or a dead ball called by the umpire.

N.  Extra Bases: Players can take extra bases if the ball is hit to the outfield. Once the ball is in the infield, the runner stops at the base they are advancing to.

O.  Player Pitch:

1.   Choices: Both coaches have to agree on using player pitchers before the start of the game for it to occur and each batter has the choice of hitting off a coach or player pitcher

2.   Coach vs. Player: A coach will pitch for the first three innings of each game. A player will pitch for the last three innings of each game. (Or less if the team or teams do not have three players who can pitch.

3.   Pitching Limit: A player will not pitch more than one inning per game.

4.   Pitch Count: A player pitcher will be limited to six pitches per batter. If the batter has not

put the ball into play and has not struck out after 6 pitches, the coach will finish the at bat by throwing no more than three pitches. The number of strikes will remain the same on the batter when the coach takes over pitching.

5.   Hit by Pitch: If a batter is hit by a player pitcher, the batter will have the option of taking first base or having the coach pitch for the remaining at bat.

P. Field Setup: The home team is responsible for set-up and will use the first base line dugout.  This includes setting bases, dragging the field, and chalking  the batters box and base path. The visitors are responsible for field break down which consists of dragging the field and emptying the trash. Each team is responsible for cleaning up their dugout. 



12 – 9/10 U RULES


A.  Game Report: Home teams will complete a game report form, signed by both managers placed in the proper file holder to the right of the mailboxes in the clubhouse after each game. 1st failure will result in a warning 2nd and all subsequent failures to report will result in the home team forfeiting the game.

B.  Number of Players: All teams must have at least seven (7) players in uniform (including hat) and ready to field their positions to start the game. (15 minutes grace) Penalty – forfeiture of game. If a team starts with less than 9 players, (no out during regular season) they take one out at the bottom of the lineup. If a team drops to six (6) players during the game, the game immediately ends in a forfeit by the team with 6 players.

C.  Player Leaving Early: In regular season, if a player(s) will be leaving the game early, that spot, in the batting lineup, will be skipped over as no out (during regular season if below 9 players will not be recorded as out) unless the team has less than 9 players. Refer to rule 12-B

D.  Player Arrives Late: In regular season, if a player arrives to a game late, they will be added to the bottom of the lineup.

E.  Injured Player: If the player cannot continue, skip them in the line-up without an out.

F.  Playing Time: All players eligible to play shall not sit on the bench (not on the field) more than

    1 inning in a row unless they are injured, sick or request not to play.

G.   Pre-game Warm-up: 15 minutes before the game starts, the Away team takes the infield for 7 minutes, then the Home team takes the infield for 7 minutes, then the Umpire/coaches meeting takes place. GET THE GAME STARTED ON TIME. If the Away team does not take the field in time, the Home team still takes the field 8 minutes before game time. If the game is getting started

late, only hit one or two balls to each player to get the game started quickly.

H.  Courtesy Runner: The courtesy runner will be the player that made the last out and is used for catchers and players injured while running the bases.

L.  Teams in Dugouts: The Home team will use the first base line dugout.  Field Setup: The home team is responsible for set-up.  This includes setting bases, dragging the field, and chalking  the batters box and base path. The visitors are responsible for field break down which consists of dragging the field and emptying the trash. Each team is responsible for cleaning up their dugout. 

I.    Bat the Full Roster: Full roster will bat in starting line-up if they are present. Late arrivals will be placed at bottom of line-up.

J.   Official Time: The plate umpire will announce to managers and team score keepers the official start time. The official score keeper (home book) will record the start time in the record book.

K.  Free Substitution: for all fielding positions (except pitcher).

L.  Square to Bunt then hit: As a safety precaution, it is illegal to square around to bunt, then reload and swing at the same pitch.

M. Blocking the Base Path: If a defensive player is in the base path without the ball and obstructs the runner from getting to the base they are going to, the runner is given the base that they are trying to get to. Exception: If the defensive player is moving the ball when the obstruction happens. If the runner touches the defensive player while the defensive player is making a play for the ball, the runner is called out.

N.  Infield Fly Rule: There is no infield fly rule.

O.  Dropped Third Strike: The batter is out and does not advance to 1st base.

P.  On-Deck Circle: The on-deck player must use the on-deck circle that is facing the batting players back—for example, for a right  handed batter the on-deck player would be in the 3rd base side on- deck circle.

Q.  Five (5) Run per inning Rule: is in effect except for the LAST INNING AS DETERMINED BY THE UMPIRE.  The inning must end on an out or a dead ball called by the umpire. (In theory 8 runs could be scored in an inning before the teams change over). If the hitting team has 4 runs and bases are loaded and the batter walks, it is a dead ball and the player walks to home plate to end the inning with 5 runs if it is a non-unlimited run inning.

R.  Leading off / Stealing:

1.   Runners may steal bases, but shall not leave the base they are occupying at the time of the pitch until the pitched ball has reached or passed the catcher or is hit.

2.   The pitcher will not start the pitching motion until all base runners if any are in contact with the base.

3.   Once the pitcher has stepped on the rubber with possession of the ball, runners who leave base before the pitched ball reaches or passes the catcher or is hit shall be called out immediately and the ball is dead.

4.   The completion of a play: When the lead runner is forced back to a base or does not advance within 2 seconds after the pitcher or catcher has the ball and their attention on the lead runner. Violation of this rule will result in the lead runner being immediately called out and the ball is dead.

5.   Batters do not advance to 2nd base when they have just gotten a base-on-balls unless there is a pass ball or a play has been made on another runner.

S.  Length of Games:

1.   Full Game: A full game is 6 innings or 5 ½ innings if the home team leads or the game is called by time.

2.   Unlimited Run Inning: The unlimited run inning is officially the 6th inning unless declared by the umpire.  The unlimited  run inning does not have to occur to complete the game.

3.   Time Limit: No new inning shall start after 1 hour and 50 minutes from the official start time unless there is a tie game. Tie games will play on, but no extra inning can start after 8:00pm on weeknights. If one team is delaying the game in any way to push the time beyond 8:00pm, another inning will be played per the umpire’s judgment. If the game is the last one on the field on Saturday, for tie games, there is no time limit, but the game can go no longer than 9 innings

4.   Ties: Games can end in a tie during regular and pre-season.

5.   Ten 10-Run Rule: If, after 4 innings (3½ if home team leads) one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

6.   Nine Innings: No game will go beyond 9 innings unless it is a tournament game.

7.   Called game: If a game is called by an umpire for any reason, it shall be a complete game if four innings have been completed, or if the home team has scored more runs in three innings or three and a fraction innings, than the visiting team has scored in four complete innings. If the called game is not a complete game, the game will be continued from the  current game status at a later time.


T.  Post Season Tournament:

1.   Time Limit: No new inning will start after 2-1/2 hours from game start unless the game is tied.

2.   Playing Time: All players eligible to play shall not sit on the bench (not on the field)more than 1 inning in a row unless they are injured, sick or request not to play.

3.   Batting Lineup:

a.      Same Number of Positions: The batting lineups shall consist of the equivalent number as the team with the least players 9 or more.  If a team has 8 or less players, one out is taken at the bottom of the lineup. If one team has 10 players and one has 11, the team with 11 would have two players share one spot in the batting lineup and alternate every other at bat. That would make it so both teams have 10 spots in their batting lineup. If one team has 10 and one has 12, the team with 12 would have two slots in the lineup that would alternate two players. One slot in the lineup cannot have more than two players.

4.   Free Substitution: There is free substitution in the field (except the pitching position).

5.   9 or Less Players:

a.       One Team has 9: If one team has only nine players, both teams play with nine positions in the batting order; the team with more than nine double up the players above 9 in the batting lineup. See examples in Rule 10.S.3.a.

b.      One Team has 8: If one team has only eight players, they will take one out at the bottom of the batting order; the team with more than eight will play with nine and double up the players above 9 in the batting lineup.

c.      One Team has 7: If one team has seven players, they will take one out at the bottom of the lineup and the other team will play with nine and double up the players above 9 in the batting lineup.

d.      One Team has 6: If a team has only 6 players at the start of the game, they have a 15 minute grace period to wait for the 7th  player. If a team has only 6 players during the game, that team immediately forfeits.

6.   Batting Order: Players must stay in the same batting order for the duration of the game.

Ten 10-Run Rule: If, after 4 innings (3½ if home team leads) one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

8.   Home Team: The higher seeded team is recognized as the home team. Highest seed is #1.

9.   Setup/Takedown: The lower seeded team will be responsible for field setup and takedown.


13 – 11/12 U RULES



A.  Game Report: Home teams will complete a game report and turn it into the Baseball AD.   1st failure will result in a warning 2nd and all subsequent failures to report will result in the home team forfeiting the game.

B.  Number of Players: All teams must have at least seven (7) players in uniform (including hat) and ready to field their positions to start the game. (15 minutes grace) Penalty – forfeiture of game. If a team starts with less than 9 players (they take one out at the    bottom of the lineup during post season only). If a team drops to six (6) players during the game, the game immediately ends in a  forfeit by the team with 6 players.

C.  Player Leaving Early: In regular season, if a player(s) will be leaving the game early, that spot, in the batting lineup, will be skipped over as no out.

D.  Player Arrives Late: In regular season, if a player arrives to a game late, they will be added to the bottom of the lineup.

E.  Injured Player: If the player cannot continue, skip them in the line-up without an out.

F.  Playing Time: All players eligible to play shall not sit on the bench (not on the field) more than 1 inning in a row unless they are  injured, sick or request not to play

G. Pre-game Warm-up: 15 minutes before the game starts, the Away team takes the infield for 7 minutes, then the Home team takes the infield for 7 minutes, then the Umpire/coaches meeting takes place. TRY TO GET THE GAME STARTED ON TIME. If the Away team does not take the field in time, the Home team still takes the field 8 minutes before game time. If the game is getting started late, only hit one or two balls to each player to get the game started quickly.

H.  Courtesy Runner: The courtesy runner will be the player that made the last out and is used for catchers and players injured while running the bases.

I.  Teams in Dugouts: The Home team will  use the first base line dugout..  Field Setup: The home team is responsible for set-up. This includes setting bases, dragging the field, and chalking  the batters box and base path. The visitors are responsible for field break down which consists of dragging the field and emptying the trash. Each team is responsible for cleaning up their dugout.

J.  On Deck Circle: The on-deck player must use the on-deck circle that is facing the batting players back—for example, For a right handed batter the on-deck player would be in the 3rd base side on- deck circle.

K. Bat the Full Roster: Full roster will bat in starting line-up if they are present. Late arrivals will be placed at bottom of line-up.

L.  Official Time: The plate umpire will announce to managers and team score keepers the official start time. The official score keeper (home book) will record the start time in the record book.

M. Free Substitution: for all fielding positions (except pitcher).

N. Square to Bunt then hit: As a safety precaution, it is illegal to square around to bunt, then reload and swing at the same pitch.

O. Blocking the Base Path: If a defensive player is in the base path without the ball and obstructs the runner from getting to the base they are going to, the runner is given the base that they are trying to get to. Exception: If the defensive player is moving toward the ball when the obstruction happens.  If the runner touches the defensive player while the defensive player is making a play for the ball, the runner is called out.

P.  Length of Games:

1.   Full Game: A full game is 6 innings or 5½ innings if the home team leads or the game is called by time.

2.   Time Limit: No new inning shall start after 2 hours from the official start time unless there is a tie game. Tie games will play on, but no extra inning can start after 8:00pm on weeknights and no new inning will start after the next games start time (Saturday, if there is a game following). If one team is delaying the game in any way to push the time beyond 8:00 pm, another inning will be played per the umpires’ judgment. If the game is the last one on the field on Saturday, for tie games, there is no time limit, but the game can go no longer than 10 innings.

3.   Ties: Games can end in a tie during regular and pre-season.

4.   Ten 10-Run Rule: If, after 5 innings (4½ if home team leads) one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

Ten Innings: No game will go beyond 10 innings unless it is a tournament game.

6.    Called game: If a game is called by an umpire for any reason, it shall be a complete game if four innings have been completed, or if the home team has scored more runs in three innings or three and a fraction innings, than the visiting team    has scored in four complete innings. If the called game is not a complete game, the game will be continued from the current game status at a later time.

7. Baserunning: Runners are allowed to lead off,but may not steal until the ball crosses home plate or is put in play in another manner such as a pick off attempt.

Q.  Post Season Tournament:

a.   Time Limit: No new inning will start after 2-1/2 hours from game start unless the game is tied.

b.   Playing Time: All players eligible to play shall not sit on the bench (not on the field)

more than 1 inning in a row unless they are injured, sick or request not to play

c.   Batting Lineup:

1.   Same Number of Positions
: The batting lineups shall consist of the equivalent number as the team with the least players 9 or more.  If a team has 8 or less players, one out is taken at the bottom of the lineup. If one team has 10 players and one has 11, the team with 11 would have two players share one spot in the batting lineup and alternate every other at bat. That would make it so both teams have 10 spots in their batting lineup. If one team has 10 and one has 12, the team with 12 would have two slots in the lineup that would alternate two players. One slot in the lineup cannot have more than two players.

d.   Free Substitution: There is free substitution in the field (except the pitching position).

e.   9 or Less Players:

1.   One Team has 9
: If one team has only nine players, both teams play with nine positions in the batting order; the team with more than nine, double up the players above 9 in the batting lineup. See examples in Rule 11.P.c.1.

2.   One Team has 8
: If one team has only eight players, they will take one out at the bottom of the batting order; the team with more than eight will play with nine and double up the players above 9 in the batting lineup.

3.    One Team has 7
: If one team has seven players, they will take one out at the bottom of the lineup and the other team will play with nine and double up the players above 9 in the batting lineup.

4.    One Team has 6
: If a team has only 6 players at the start of the game, they have a 15 minute grace period to wait for the 7th  player. If a team has only 6 players during the game, that team immediately forfeits.

f.    Batting Order: Players must stay in the same batting order for the duration of the game.

g.   Ten 10-Run Rule: If, after 5 innings (4½ if home team leads) one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

h.   Home Team: The higher seeded team is recognized as the home team. Highest seed is

Setup/Takedown: The lower seeded team will be responsible for field setup and takedown.



14 – 13/14 U RULES



A.  Game Report: Home teams will complete a game report form, signed by both managers placed in the proper file holder to the right of the mailboxes in the clubhouse after each game. 1st failure will result in a warning 2nd and all subsequent failures to report will result in the home team forfeiting the game.

B.  Number of Players: All teams must have at least seven (7) players in uniform (including hat) and ready to field their positions to start the game. (15 minutes grace) Penalty – forfeiture of game. If a team starts with less than 9 players (they take one out at the bottom of the lineup during post season only). If a team drops to six (6) players during the game, the game immediately ends in a forfeit by the team with 6 players.

C.  Player Leaving Early: In regular season, if a player(s) will be leaving the game early, that spot, in the batting lineup, will be skipped over as no out.

D.  Player Arrives Late: In regular season, if a player arrives to a game late, they will be added to the bottom of the lineup.

E.  Injured Player: If the player cannot continue, skip them in the line-up without an out.

F.  Playing Time: All players eligible to play shall not sit on the bench (not on the field) more than 1 inning in a row unless they are  injured, sick or request not to play

G. Pre-game Warm-up: 15 minutes before the game starts, the Away team takes the infield for 7 minutes, then the Home team takes the infield for 7 minutes, then the Umpire/coaches meeting takes place. TRY TO GET THE GAME STARTED ON TIME. If the Away team does not take the field in time, the Home team still takes the field 8 minutes before game time. If the game is getting started late, only hit one or two balls to each player to get the game started quickly.

H.  Courtesy Runner: The courtesy runner will be the player that made the last out and is used for catchers and players injured while running the bases.

I.    Teams in Dugouts: The home team will use the first base line dugout. Field Setup: The home team is responsible for set-up.  This includes setting bases, dragging the field, and chalking  the batters box and base path. The visitors are responsible for field break down which consists of dragging the field and emptying the trash. Each team is responsible for cleaning up their dugout.

J.   On Deck Circle: The on-deck player must use the on-deck circle that is facing the batting players back—for example, For a right handed batter the on-deck player would be in the 3rd base side on- deck circle.

K. Bat the Full Roster: Full roster will bat in starting line-up if they are present. Late arrivals will be placed at bottom of line-up.

L.  Official Time: The plate umpire will announce to managers and team score keepers the official start time. The official score keeper (home book) will record the start time in the record book.

M.  Free Substitution: for all fielding positions (except pitcher).

N.  Square to Bunt then hit: As a safety precaution, it is illegal to square around to bunt, then reload and swing at the same pitch.

O.  Blocking the Base Path: If a defensive player is in the base path without the ball and obstructs the runner from getting to the base they are going to, the runner is given the base that they are trying to get to. Exception: If the defensive player is moving toward the ball when the obstruction happens.  If the runner touches the defensive player while the defensive player is making a play for the ball, the runner is called out.

P.  Length of Games:

a.   Full Game: A full game is 7 innings or 6 ½ innings if the home team leads or the game is called by time.

b.   Time Limit: No new inning shall start after 2 hours from the official start time unless there is a tie game. Tie games will play on, but no extra inning can start after 8:00pm on weeknights and no new inning will start after the next games start time (Saturday, if there is a game following). If one team is delaying the game in any way to push the time beyond 8:00pm, another inning will be played per the umpires’ judgment. If the game is the last one on the field on Saturday, for tie games, there is no time limit, but the game can go no longer than 10 innings.

c.   Ties: Games can end in a tie during regular and pre-season.

d.   Ten 10-Run Rule: If, after 5 innings (4½ if home team leads) one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

Ten Innings: No game will go beyond 10 innings unless it is a tournament game.

f.    Called game: If a game is called by an umpire for any reason, it shall be a complete game if four innings have been completed, or if the home team has scored more runs in three innings or three and a fraction innings, than the visiting team has scored in four complete innings. If the called game is not a complete game, the game will be continued from the current game status at a later time.

Q.  Post Season Tournament:

a.   Time Limit: No new inning will start after 2-1/2 hours from game start unless the game is tied.

b.   Playing Time: All players eligible to play shall not sit on the bench (not on the field) more than 1 inning in a row unless they are injured, sick or request not to play

Batting Lineup:

1.   Same Number of Positions: The batting lineups shall consist of the equivalent number as the team with the least players 9 or more.  If a team has 8 or less players, one out is taken at the bottom of the lineup. If one team has 10 players and one has 11, the team with 11 would have two players share one spot in the batting lineup and alternate every other at bat. That would make it so both teams have 10 spots in their batting lineup. If one team has 10 and one has 12, the team with 12 would have two slots in the lineup that would alternate two players. One slot in the lineup cannot have more than two players.

d.   Free Substitution: There is free substitution in the field (except the pitching position). e.   9 or Less Players:

1.   One Team has 9
: If one team has only nine players, both teams play with nine positions in the batting order; the team with more than nine, double up the players above 9 in the batting lineup. See examples in Rule 11.P.c.1.

2.   One Team has 8
: If one team has only eight players, they will take one out at the bottom of the batting order; the team with more than eight will play with nine and double up the players above 9 in the batting lineup.

3.  One Team has 7
: If one team has seven players, they will take one out at the bottom of the lineup and the other team will play with nine and double up the players above 9 in the batting lineup.

4.  One Team has 6
: If a team has only 6 players at the start of the game, they have a 15 minute grace period to wait for the 7th player. If a team has only 6 players during the game, that team immediately forfeits.

f.    Batting Order: Players must stay in the same batting order for the duration of the game.

g.   Ten 10-Run Rule: If, after 5 innings (4½ if home team leads) one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

h.   Home Team: The higher seeded team is recognized as the home team. Highest seed is Setup/Takedown: The lower seeded team will be responsible for field setup and takedown.






Numbers in chart are maximum number of innings.



Pitches Per Game

Regular & Pre-

Pitches Per Game

Post season tournament

1 cal. Day

1 cal. Week

40hr rest requ.

1 cal. Day

1 cal. week

40hr rest requ.


9/10 U







3 or more




3 *



3 or more


11/12 U







4 or more




4 *



4 or more


13/14 U


















* If there are two games in one day, a player can pitch any combination of innings in both games, just as long as the maximum innings are not exceeded for the day or week.

** A player cannot begin to pitch to a batter if they have reached or exceeded their pitch count. The pitcher does not have to be pulled during an at bat if they reach or exceed the limit. They must be pulled at the completion of the at bat.

A. 40 hour exception: A pitcher can start a 9:00am Saturday game after pitching the amount of 40 hour rule innings on Thursday.

B.  Types of Pitches: It is recommended that the players are taught how to throw a 4 seam fast ball. If they can throw these for strikes, then a 2 seam fast ball, then a simple change-up pitch. A parent has a right to allow their child to throw harmful pitches, but the club does not allow coaches to teach players (that are not related them) how to throw these types of pitches.

C.  One Inning: 1 pitch in an inning = 1 inning on the pitching record.

D.  One calendar week: 12:01am Monday to 12 midnight the following Sunday.

E.  Withdrawn Pitcher: Any pitcher withdrawn from the mound and goes to play another position or sits out cannot pitch again in the same game.

F.  Hit Batters: If a pitcher hits three batters in a game, then he must be removed from the mound for the remainder of the game.

G.  Mound Visits: If a manager, coach or parent, goes onto the playing field to talk to the pitcher more than once in a half inning, while the same player is pitching, a pitching change shall be made. The only exception to this rule shall be in case of injury.

H.   Violations: Managers in violation of any of the pitching rules shall be subject to the following penalty: Upon appeal by the opposing manager or notification by the official scorer or league officers, the player shall be immediately removed from the mound and the team manager ejected from the game. Ejection of a manager requires them to remain far enough away from the field that they cannot be seen or heard. If the manager does not adhere to the penalty, the game will not continue until the manager is gone. The manager shall be ineligible to participate in the next scheduled game played by the team.



A.  Scheduling and Rescheduling of league games shall be the responsibility of the Baseball Athletic Director or Vice President, and shall schedule not less than 12 regular season games for each team, except T-ball. Rainouts can affect how many of the originally scheduled games get played.

B.  Under no condition shall league officers set up a schedule of games which would require a team to play more than two (one for T-Ball) games in one day.


1.   Weeknight games will have a start time from 5:30pm to 6:00pm unless double header games are required.

2.   T-Ball and Coach Pitch regularly scheduled games end on the Saturday before the 9/10 U end-of-season tournament unless games are rescheduled beyond that time.

3.   11/12 U and 13/14 U end-of-season tournament will start the Monday following the end of the regular season.





A.  Assignment of umpires shall be the responsibility of the Baseball Director, an appointed person or organization.

B.  The use of tobacco in any form by umpires on the field is prohibited.




A.  Team or league sponsors shall be only those organizations, firms or companies whose activities or products are not detrimental to the welfare of youth.

B.  Specifically, no firm or company whose advertising reflects the sale of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products shall be permitted to sponsor the program or be permitted to display any form of such advertising in connection with the program.




A.  The use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs in any form by players or adult leaders in the dugout, on the benches or on the playing field shall not be permitted.

B.  Smoking is not permitted at Ross Field.

C.There is no smoking on school grounds.





A.  The committee consists of the Pee Wee President, Vice President, Baseball Director, and the Division Directors. At least three members of the committee shall be present to render a decision.

B.  The Decisions Committee shall concern itself only with game protests, leaving the resolution of other matters in the hands of league officers.

C.  The Decisions Committee may solicit testimony and advice from any source it chooses, but actual decisions shall be based on majority vote of the members of the committee only.

D.  When feasible, the Decisions Committee shall make every effort to render a decision on a protest within 48 hours of receipt of the protest in written form.

E.  Decisions of the Decisions Committee shall be final and are not subject to appeal.



A.  A protest based on a play which involves an umpire’s judgment shall not be permitted.

B.  When protests are based on an interpretation of the rules, the objecting manager shall, at the time the play occurs, notify the head umpire, the opposing manager and official scorer that the game is being played under protest, and submit the protest in writing to a member of the Decisions Committee, within 48 hours of the completion of the game.

C.  When protests based on the interpretation of a rule are upheld by the Decisions Committee, the game concerned shall be replayed from the point of protest.

D.  Umpires should make a public announcement to the crowd when a game is being played under protest.

E.  Any team manager or other adult leader who withdraws a team from the playing field under any circumstances prior to the official completion of the game shall forfeit all rights to protests as prescribed in this section.




A.  Silverdale Baseball, through the Decisions Committee, reserves the right to remove players or adult volunteers whose conduct, on or off the playing field, reflects in a manner that is detrimental to the best interests of the Silverdale Baseball program.

B.  Players or adult volunteers who engage in unsportsmanlike conduct, such as fighting, abusive language or similarly derogatory activity may be suspended for one or more games.

C.  Players or adult volunteers in violation of this General Conduct policy may be refused entry, or may be removed from play.

D.  Parents (or relatives) of players who engage in unsportsmanlike conduct, such as fighting, foul language (language not allowed in Rated G movies) or similarly derogatory activity, may be asked to leave the field. If they do not leave, the Kitsap County Sheriff may be called to remove them. In the weeks following, if they continue to be a problem, the player they are associated with will be removed from the league and a prorated amount of the fee will be returned (based on the number of regular season games not played).




While risk of one athlete infecting another with HIV/AIDS during competition is close to non- existent, there is a remote risk that other blood borne infectious diseases can be transmitted. For example, Hepatitis B can be present in blood as well as in other body fluids. Procedures for reducing potential for transmission of these infectious agents should include, but not be limited to, the following:


A.  The bleeding must be stopped, the open wound covered and if there is an excessive amount of blood on the uniform it must be changed before the athlete may participate.

B.  Routine use of gloves or other precautions to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids is anticipated.

C.  Immediately wash hands and other skin surfaces if contaminated (in contact) with blood or other body fluids. Wash hands immediately after removing gloves.

D.  Clean all contaminated surfaces and equipment with an appropriate disinfectant before competition resumes.

E.  Practice proper disposal procedures to prevent injuries caused by needles, scalpels and other sharp instruments or devices.

F.  Although saliva has not been implicated in HIV transmission, to minimize the need for emergency mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mouth-pieces, resuscitation bags, or other ventilation devices should be available for use.

G.  Athletic trainers/coaches with bleeding or oozing skin conditions should refrain from all direct athletic care until the condition resolves.

H.  Contaminated towels should be properly disposed of/disinfected.

I.    Follow acceptable guidelines in the immediate control of bleeding and when handling bloody

dressings, mouth guards and other articles containing body fluids.





A. Commitment: By coaching with the Silverdale Baseball program, you make a commitment to players, parents, coaches and the organization to create an atmosphere of cooperation for the benefit of the kids. – This is like a mission statement.

B. Be organized as a manager
. Lead by example to kids and parents. The Manager is the critical element for success.

C. Registration
: Call/email players from the previous year and tell them when registration.

D. Applications
: Confidential, yellow sheets are only for Manager. Fees and B.C. are due at registration; players will not be placed on a team if not received.

E. Sportsmanship
: The catcher is not to talk to the batter when the batter is in the box. Do not allow players to talk negatively to teammates and players on the other team.  There will be no

chattering or hand clapping during the pitchers wind-up.  There will be no artificial noise makers. I.e. Cow bells, horns etc.

. Evaluations: Need coaches to help. (9/10 U/13/14 U Coaches during 11/12 U Eval, 11/12 U/13/14 U Coaches during 9/10 U Eval, 9/10 U/11/12 U during 13/14 U Eval).

. List of players to be kept (up to 3) must be turned in before the draft. Email is fine:

[email protected]

H. Field Maint
. – If the field is not taken care of after practice, you may lose your privileges to field time. This includes filling in low areas, raking around home plate, the bases and the pitching mound.

I. Use of cages
. – Pre-game warm-up, cooperate with other coaches and quickly move the players through if other teams want to use it. That is not the time to work out bad habits. During the game season, after 5:30pm weeknights, the division directors will create schedules for team use. Helmets are required to enter the cages by all players.

J. Practice Schedule
. The Baseball AD/ Slugger AD will create a schedule for pre-season and a different schedule for during the season. Your pre-season practice schedule ends on the Saturday before the first game.

. How work party works – The Division Director/Athletic Director will issue jobs to the coaches, and each coach will rally the parents and players to complete the task.

. Umpires. T-Ball and Coach pitch by parents/volunteers. 9/10 U , 11/12 U and 13/14 U use a paid outside organization.

. Rain Policy: practice/game - If the infields are soft from rain, please do not practice on them. Move to the grass and practice there. If there is a medium to hard rain during practice, you may want to go into a dugout, or under cover if you can for a period of time and go over baseball issues and possibly get to know the kids. If the rain continues, practices should be cut short. There is no need to have the kids out in the rain. Game rainout: The Baseball Director  will make the call of a rain out by 4:30pm.  At the 9/10U,  11/12 U and 13/14 U levels, the umpires may make the decision.

N. Game report Sheet
– (home team) 9/10 U managers must fill out game report slip and have umpires sign them. 11/12 U and 13/14U  can fill out a sheet or email the information to  [email protected].

O. The Draft
will be covered in a meeting in late February/early March.

.  Season Ending Tournament – Two game guarantee for all 9/10 U, 11/12 U and 13/14 U

teams. No tournament for Tball or  Coach pitch.


Central Kitsap Youth Athletics
SPWAA, PO Box 44
Silverdale, Washington 98383

Email: [email protected]

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